Attention Skippers: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Today’s race will be on course ‘M’ - also known as --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the Skipper’s Course. The course is comprised of three --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- markers forming a triangle. The race will start with a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Windward leg from the half way point between the Windward --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and Leeward markers. Once around the Windward mark, boats --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- will turn left towards the Jibe mark. After rounding the Jibe --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- mark, boats will continue to the Leeward mark, rounding it --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and heading upwind towards the finish line. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- As this is a beginners course, we have marked the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- boundaries of the course yellow ropes. While a skipper may --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- plot any course for the race, the lines are there to assist new --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- skippers. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Conditions: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Winds today have been blowing from 8 to 20 knots from --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the north, we expect a possible wind shift of 25° --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to the east or west during the race. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Good Luck!